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About Robbi Hess

Content Creation and Strategy

Experience leads to wisdom.

I’ve been navigating the content marketing world since before it was even a blip on the radar. From the days of ink and paper to the digital revolution, I’ve honed my craft, making content creation second nature.

But I get it. Words just aren’t your zone of genius. That’s where I come in.

Think of me as your content wizard. Whether you want me to craft a marketing strategy from A-Z, write compelling copy (for your website, blog, social media or newsletters) that captivates your audience. Maybe you want to DIY your content but need a roadmap, I can teach you the secrets of the trade, I’ve got you covered.

I’ll help you break free from the overwhelm of marketing, writing blog posts and articles and creating all the content required to get your business noticed and attract eager customers and clients. We’ll work together to skyrocket your search rankings and ensure your brand shines brighter than a full moon over the St. Lawrence Seaway.

Ready to ditch the content creation chaos and embrace stress-free, results-driven marketing? Let’s chat! 

I provide marketing and content strategy and implementation for entrepreneurs,
coaches, solopreneurs, authorpreneurs and other business owners who:


Want a stable and steady stream of new clients


Want to increase or maintain the longevity of clients


Want to have current clients utilize more of their services or products


Are expanding or switching gears and are in need of new or updated content


Here are a few highlights of my writing and publishing career and the organizations of which I am a part.

Published Books

Print Publications

Member of

National Society of Newspaper Columnists

Non-Fiction Authors Association

Publisher of

Byline Quarterly

Robbi Hess is one of the best editors I have ever had the pleasure to work with. It’s not just her passion for the written word that makes her stand out, it’s her expertise and knowledge of how important writing is in a world that is fast forgetting how to compose simple, understandable sentences. Her expertise and talent goes beyond editing and writing for print. She’s an outstanding blogger, as well. Writing is Robbi’s world – and this makes her the best person for any writing jobs you may have, online or offline. Because she utilizes her experience and her exceptional talent for the written word. Not many people have the right combination of those two qualities: expertise and talent. Robbi Hess does.

– Yvonne DiVita, multi-published author and Founder of Nurturing Big Ideas

Robbi has been working with me as head editor and creates all the content for the many blogs we manage. Her work has been of a high caliber and her attitude and contributions are continually upbeat and useful. I highly recommend Robbi… as long as it does not interfere with what she is doing for me. 🙂

– Rex Richard, Founder & President at Peak Dynamics, LLC

Robbi is an excellent writer with superb knowledge in SEO-specific blogging. She’s incredibly easy to work with, kind, generous, trustworthy and has more integrity than many I’ve worked with in the past. She’s a good egg, as they say. I’d definitely recommend Robbi in any situation involving SEO, blogging, copy writing or social media marketing, among other things.

– Kandice Linwright, Author, Educator, LGBTQ Youth Speaker

15-Minute Content Clarity Session

If you want to build credibility and authority, let’s figure out how I can best help you.